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How to Know If You Need Glasses

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A close-up of woman sitting on a couch as she rubs her left eye with her left hand.

If you have noticed oddities when it comes to your vision, it may be time to make an appointment for an eye exam

Some indicators that you might need glasses can include night blindness, digital eye strain, blurred vision, wavy vision, seeing halos, problems adjusting from dark to light, and double vision. If you have a sudden change in your vision, like loss of vision or a dark curtain over your vision, it’s recommended that you see your optometrist right away, as these could be signs of an eye emergency.

What Are the Symptoms of Needing Glasses?

Approximately 12 million Americans over age 40 require some sort of corrective lens for vision impairment issues. An estimated 93 million adults in the United States are at high risk for serious vision loss, but only half have visited an eye doctor in the past 12 months.

If you haven’t seen an optometrist in the past 12 months and suspect you may need vision correction, making an appointment with your eye doctor is the best way to determine if you need glasses. 

Some indicators that you might need glasses can include:

Night Blindness

If you’re struggling to drive in the dark because you can’t see well, you may be suffering from night blindness. Although night blindness contains the word “blindness,” it doesn’t mean you’re completely blind at night—it more so means that you have difficulty seeing or driving in the darkness.

Symptoms of night blindness might include having trouble reading signs, difficulty with oncoming headlights, judging distances or speeds, and seeing lane markings clearly. 

Most people start noticing these changes in night vision around age 45.

Digital Eye Strain

Digital eye strain can occur after prolonged use of objects with digital screens, like cell phones, tablets, and computers. The average American adult spends 7 hours a day on a computer, either in the office or working from home. This can cause eye strain and can lead to a variety of symptoms, from headaches to dry eye to neck and shoulder pain.

Factors that can contribute to digital eye strain include:

  • Poor lighting
  • Screen glare
  • Poor posture
  • Sitting too close to the screen

Having an ergonomic setup can help provide relief for your eyes, but if you still find you’re having vision problems, contact your vision care team.

Blurred Vision

There can be many causes for blurred vision, from damage to the eye to nearsightedness. The cause of your blurred vision can be diagnosed using various eye tests and a physical examination of your eyes. If an underlying medical cause is suspected, you may also have a blood test. Depending on the cause of your blurred vision, treatment may include eye drops, laser surgery, or medicine. 

However, if your vision is blurry with the following symptoms, it may signify a more serious issue.

  • Dizziness
  • Weakness or numbness in one arm
  • Drooping face
  • Loss of balance
  • Slurred speech

If your vision blurs and you have any of these symptoms, visit your nearest emergency room as soon as possible, as it could be a sign of a medical emergency. 

Wavy Vision

Those who have wavy vision may be suffering from the initial stages of macular degeneration, also known as AMD. When looking at objects, they may subtly move and blur, as if there was a layer of water on them. This eye disease blurs your central vision, as aging causes damage to the macula. The macula is part of the retina (the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye) that controls sharp, straight-ahead vision. 

AMD is a leading cause of vision loss for older adults but doesn’t cause complete blindness—although it can make it harder to see faces, read, drive, or do close-up work like cooking. 

Seeing Halos

If you begin to see halos around objects, particularly lights, it may be caused by:

If you’re seeing halos, it could be a sign that you need glasses. A visit to your eye doctor can determine the cause of the halos and provide treatment or solutions to correct your vision. 

Problems Adjusting to Dark from Light

As we age, the muscles controlling our iris’s expansion or contraction can weaken. This can lead to delays in adjusting to the light or dark.  

If you are experiencing light sensitivity or having trouble transitioning from a dark to a light environment or vice versa, schedule an eye exam with your ophthalmologist to get your vision checked.

Double Vision

Double vision is a symptom that you should never ignore, as it can be a sign of a medical emergency.

Double vision can be caused by:

If you have double vision, book an appointment with a medical professional as soon as possible to help determine the cause of your double vision. 

A woman in an optometrist's office looking through a device that determines her eyeglass prescription and tests her vision.

Compassionate Eye Care in Los Angeles

If you notice any of these symptoms or suspect you may need glasses, contact the friendly and compassionate team at Los Angeles EyeCare Optometry Group. We can update your prescription and help you pick out a pair of fashionable glasses frames or prescription sunglasses, too! 

Book your appointment with us today.

Written by Total Vision

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