Total Vision Little Tokyo

Los Angeles EyeCare
Operated By Total Vision

Eye Exams & Experienced Eye Doctors in LA

Glasses, Eye Exams, & Beyond

Welcome to the Los Angeles EyeCare Optometry Group.

We have the pleasure of providing primary eye care for over 25,000 patients, many of who fly in from all over the world to experience our friendly, patient-centered atmosphere.

Discover how our care has supported Los Angeles for over 100 years!

Address Myopia Early at Los Angeles EyeCare Optometry Group

At Los Angeles EyeCare Optometry Group, we provide myopia control services to help slow the progression of nearsightedness in children. Through our tailored Total Myopia program, we offer advanced options, including:

  • Orthokeratology (ortho-k) lenses
  • Low-dose atropine eye drops
  • Specialty lenses 

These solutions are designed to enhance your child’s vision while reducing the risk of future eye health concerns. We prioritize your child’s long-term visual health and sight by closely monitoring axial length and using our technology. Take the first step in managing your child’s myopia—contact us today for a personalized consultation.

Comprehensive Medical Eye Care

We’re proud to offer comprehensive vision and ocular health exams for adults and children. With the power of Total Vision behind us, our optometrists are equipped to diagnose and treat a wide variety of eye diseases, ocular conditions, and vision problems.

We’re ready to help improve your quality of life. Whether you’re looking for your next stunning pair of frames or need help managing your eye health, we’re here for you.

Where to Find Us

Our practice is located in downtown Los Angeles in Little Tokyo, right across the street from Japanese Village Plaza.

We validate and pay for parking during your visit.

Our Address

  • 334-B E. 2nd St
  • Los Angeles, CA 90012

Contact Information

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